
When Asking Questions is Essential for Your Company | Post Webinar Survey Questions

December 25, 2023
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When Asking Questions is Essential for Your Company | Post Webinar Survey Questions
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A Guide to Post-Webinar Survey Questions 

One successful webinar generates around 500 to 1000 leads, which the hosts can leverage to increase their customer base. For a fruitful post-webinar survey review session, the hosts and presenters must ask the right questions. 

These attendee-oriented questions help gauge attendees’ experience, allow hosts and companies to know their strengths and gaps, and use these insights for continuous improvement. 

Through the answers, the hosts can tailor content, make informed decisions, and use the responses to guide future webinar strategies. This article lists the most critical survey questions you can use to improve your webinar hosting experience and strategy. 

Why Ask Questions for a Fruitful Webinar Survey?

It's simple to ask your audience members how they like the content, tools used, technologies, content, and everything else. These questions can become your key to lead generation, tailor content the potential leads want to digest, and become a great marketing tactic. 

  1. Review and Feedback

Reviewing the current webinar can help you make changes to the next one. As the post-webinar feedback session helps you deepen your relationship with the participants, strategically asking them the right questions shows your eagerness to know more about the leads and their interests. 

However, taking feedback instantly is important when the experience is still fresh. Asking questions quickly will generate the highest quality of feedback from the participants. 

  1. Future Webinars Planning

Use the review of the current session to plan the next webinar. The best use of post-webinar surveys question sessions is that they help determine the aspects to include, eliminate, and modify for future sessions. 

From changing the webinar platform to modifying the content, inviting different audiences, using a different technology, tonality, and much more - a good review is crucial to success. 

  1. Content Modifications

Within the point of content modifications, you can go deeper into the questions part to get an in-depth understanding of the content likeness among the audience. 

Frame post survey webinar questions according to the content shared in the webinar to get detailed feedback. You can get social proof and validation about the content and know which topics to skip, improve, and change for the next event. 

  1. Lead Generation

Adding questions specifically related to the attendee’s challenges and interests makes it easier to extract useful information for targeted follow-ups. Questions like  “Would you like to attend more webinars on this topic?” make it easier to target audiences for future virtual events. 

The interested audiences get one step closer to conversion while giving you another opportunity to connect with participants. 

Intelligent utilization of the survey question sessions is to gain attendee feedback and build a community with potential leads for conversion. 

Types of Post-Webinar Survey Questions

Webinars are a critical information-sourcing tool possessing immense value for the hosts. The potential of value creation depends on the questions asked after the webinar. The answers a respondent gives can be used to build better webinar content. 

You can ask four types of questions in the post-webinar survey;

Participant Satisfaction

These questions gauge the overall participant experience and engagement level with the sessions. Respondents share their perceived value in learning, skill engagement, and networking from the webinar. 

They quantify their experiences through a scale-based response or share the overall quality with a one-word response. You can also obtain the participant satisfaction lebel through the Net Promoter Score or NPS survey.


  1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your overall experience of the webinar? 
  2. What section of the webinar did you find most valuable?

Host-Related questions

Host-related questions evaluate the participants’ perception of the webinar host. The questions are related to the presenter's performance, style, and engagement to know the host’s impact on the participant's experience. 

The questions can also be framed to ask about the host’s qualities, like their understanding of the topic, ability to address the audience, etc. 


  1. How effective do you think the host was in delivering the content? 
  2. Was the host’s communication style able to engage the audience throughout the event?
  3. Would you like to see the same host in the next event?

Technical questions

These questions are added to take a technical review of every webinar and know whether the host was able to have a technically smooth user experience. 

The questions added help to know whether the host has had a successful webinar once they complete the survey. The responses help hosts resolve the technical issues for future sessions. 


  1. Did you face any technical issues while attending the webinar? Please specify. 
  2. How would you rate the overall technical preparedness of the webinar (audio, video, and platform usability)? 
  3. Where would you like to improve the quality of the webinar to have a better experience?

Lead generation questions

These questions are meant to identify potential webinar attendees for the next event. But that is not all; with the interested participants, the hosts can further pitch sales opportunities or evaluate their interest in additional resources. 


  1. Would you like to receive further updates and information about future sessions? 
  2. Which areas would you like our host to talk about in the further sessions?
  3. Are you interested in getting on a one-to-one consultation with the expert host? 

The post webinar survey questions can be rated in various forms, including;

  1. Scale-Based: Scale questions ask the respondents to rate their experience in numbers, which can be 1 to 5 or 1 to 10. Here 1 is the lowest, and 5 or 10 represents the highest rating. Scale questions are straightforward and contribute to data collection of specific review elements. 
  1. Open-Ended Questions: Open-ended questions to write their response, which means every answer can have a unique response and opinion. These questions are time-intensive and require concentration. 

For a respondent to invest time in answering questions after a long session is not ideal. So, limit open-ended questions to 1 or 2. 

  1. Multiple choice questions (MCQ): MCQs follow specific one-word responses, and the participants are asked to choose one or two options from four answers. 

Virtual online events are an important source of information gathering and lead generation for the hosts. The hosts benefit in various ways, including having a list of qualified leads, and the attendees gain information about a certain topic. 

What are Some Post-Webinar Survey Questions, and Why are they asked?

In this section, we will list 15 questions allowing attendees to provide feedback. We will share the reason behind asking the question and the benefits hosts obtain from the same. A general rule of thumb about setting questions is not to put too many, too long, and too difficult questions. 

Essentially, we don’t want the users to get bored and skip taking the survey. The survey should follow immediately after the webinar once it is complete. 

Scale-Based Questions

Multiple-Choice Questions

Post Webinar Open-Ended Questions

To Sum it Up

Well-planned and executed webinars are a progressive tool in the hands of companies and brands, allowing them to explore potential marketing opportunities. 

These webinars create scope for the hosts and presenters to introduce new concepts, services, and products to their audiences while increasing their learning. Post-webinar survey queries are a good way to gauge the event’s effectiveness, user experience, and engagement. 

The responses these questions generate for the webinar presenters are a source for evaluating customer experiences. They help gain insights and focus on the important points addressing the customer’s feedback and preferences. 

Qwary offers effective post-webinar survey creation tools. Using our tool, you can build a survey flow using in-built dynamic features. Qwary offers an easy template to create and implement surveys for the webinars. Get in touch to get a product demo and know more about Qwary. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find and identify good webinar survey queries for attendees?

Good post webinar survey questions are clear, concise and relevant to the webinar and its events. Choose easy-to-understand questions, which can provide you with helpful insights related to the business.

What is the 21 webinar survey questions list?

21 webinar questions is a list of relevant and appropriate questions to ask before, during, and after the webinar. These questions provide a comprehensive review of the webinar allowing hosts to gauge its response. 

What are the top 5 questions in a survey following a company webinar?

The top 5 types of questions to ask in a post-webinar survey must include queries that answer How, Why, Who, When, and What. Consider these while choosing the post webinar survey questions. 

What's the difference between pre-webinar survey and after the webinar questions?

Pre-webinar survey questions are asked before the survey begins and understands the attendee’s interest in the webinar. On the other hand, post webinar questions record the attendee’s experience after the webinar is completed. 

What data is important from a survey questionnaire about a webinar?

Both qualitative and quantitative data is essential to acquire from a survey questionnaire. Taking into account the data gathered, hosts can plan the next surveys accordingly.