Session Replay

Witness the User's Perspective

Capture detailed user journey with session replays to gain insights into user behavior and identify areas for enhancement.

Session Recording Software

Unleashing the Power of User Moments

Harness the power of Qwary to capture and analyze the most valuable moments in your users' journey.
Uncover the complete
user journey
From the moment users enter until they exit, you can accurately trace and visualize their entire experience based on their unique characteristics and the specific actions they perform within your product.
Observe users in their
natural habitat
Capture detailed user journey replays to gain deep insights into user behavior. Effectively track how new features are adopted, understand user interactions, and identify opportunities for improvement.
Identify issue, pain
point and bugs
Narrow down your focus to sessions with errors, instances of rage-clicking, or abrupt reversals, enabling you to troubleshoot and resolve problems swiftly.

Capture and utilize focused session recordings immediately

Harness Real-Time Insights. Capture and instantly utilize focused session recordings to gain deep understanding of user behavior.
Step 1

Install Qwary into your app

Choose a suitable integration method such as JavaScript SDK, Google Tag Manager, iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter or any other compatible option.

Follow the provided instructions to install Qwary into your web or mobile application.

Ensure the installation is completed successfully.

Install Qwary into your app
Enable session recording with advanced targeting
Step 2

Enable session recording
with advanced targeting

Ensure the installation is completed successfully.

Custom criteria: Set session replay trigger criteria based on user attributes.

Flexible duration: Determine the duration of each session recording session to capture comprehensive insights.

Step 3

Uncover a comprehensive understanding of user behavior

Identify and address issues swiftly

Monitor user interactions, preferences, and pain points

Proactively optimize offerings based on user experience

Deliver a seamless and engaging user experience

Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty

Uncover a comprehensive understanding of user behavior

Comprehensive Usability Testing Solutions: Everything Carefully Considered

Access a complete suite of usability testing tools, meticulously crafted to fulfill all your testing needs with meticulous attention to detail.
Enhanced Filtering

Seamlessly sort session recording clips based on specific time frames and user characteristics, empowering you to analyze the evolution of product interactions over time and among various user groups.

Built with
privacy in mind

Qwary prioritizes privacy and ensures that both you and your website visitors are protected.

Benefit from privacy features that uphold data security and compliance.

Identification of errors, rage clicks, and U-turns

Qwary's session recording feature helps you identify instances of errors, rage clicks, and u-turns during user sessions.

By spotting these issues, you can quickly address them and improve the user experience.

Share, comment, and tag functionalities

Collaborate with your team by leaving comments and tagging teammates for specific replays.

Export replays to platforms like Slack for seamless integration and sharing.

Extended storage

Qwary offers a generous storage duration of 365 days for your recorded replays.

This allows you to compare and analyze user behavior over a significant period of time.

Comparative analysis of
traffic sources

Filter your replays by referrer URL to compare the behavior of visitors from different sources.

Determine if visitors from paid ads exhibit different behaviors compared to direct traffic.

Discover the untapped possibilities and unleash the full potential of your product