Product Experience

Unlock Powerful Customer Insights with Product Survey Examples

February 6, 2024
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Unlock Powerful Customer Insights with Product Survey Examples
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Know your Customer with the Best Product Survey Questions and Examples

Listening to and understanding your target audience before developing a product offers qualitative insights into their minds. When you understand what makes your potential customers tick, you can use this information for product development and marketing. 

A lot of businesses ask their customers for reviews and feedback through emails, post-use surveys, polls, etc. While it is essential to get customer feedback, you can miss a lot of important aspects with this approach. 

Instead, use in-product surveys to collect real-time product feedback and information. They provide vital conceptual information about the product or service while validating ideas, A/B testing, and identifying customer anticipation. 

Let’s take a deep dive into the best examples of a product survey implemented for different purposes. 

Why Choose In Product Survey?

In-product surveys are one of the tools businesses use to gather customer feedback and know customer satisfaction levels. These surveys are built into the product itself and are set to trigger at some specific milestones or set of actions. 

Here are a few reasons to use this method for customer understanding;

  1. In-depth Customer Feedback

In-product surveys make it easier to reach out to a large number of customers and target audiences to get answers. The results and responses provide the food for thought to orient the product roadmap to building a customer-centric product. 

They can help you understand how customers use your product. As a result, you can check for product and idea validation while measuring the user’s satisfaction levels for an existing or new product. 

  1. Better Survey Response Rates

In-product surveys have a better response, running close to 30%. The response rate is around 25%, and the completion rate is around 23%. This type of survey is distributed while the users are using the product, which means easy accessibility. 

More importantly, this survey is generally short; some only have 2-3 questions, which feels less of a hassle to complete. 

  1. Brings Qualitative and Quantitative data

Product feedback survey questions can provide qualitative data through open-ended questions, allowing the end-users to express their opinions and share experiences. Product managers and marketers can use these detailed insights to gauge the customer’s preferences, sentiments, and behavior. 

The surveys gather quantitative data through closed-ended questions like usage reports, market research, and other specific metrics. It depends on your requirements and goals for running a survey to which questions are to be asked to gauge customer’s response. 

The combination of quantitative and qualitative data is essential for product teams to validate their ideas, make changes, and even challenge user feedback. 

  1. Richer Customer Experiences

In-product surveys help you know as much as you can about your customers. While understanding their preferences and experiences regarding your products, a survey lets you make customer-centric decisions. 

Instead of making assumptions about your customers, you can directly ask them about their experiences, likes, and preferences. You can ask them what changes they want to see in the product or service, giving you a clear direction. 

In-product surveys are a great way to know your customers. But, only some surveys can provide the same results, which is why you must execute different types of surveys, depending on the purpose. 

Types of Product Feedback Survey You Should Use for Product Development

Product surveys are great for acquiring feedback and customizing the development exercise to align with the customer’s requirements. They are also a great way to understand the market and improve customer satisfaction. Here are the types of surveys you should know about and run in the product creation and improvement process. 

  1. Brand Awareness

A brand awareness survey helps gauge the familiarity level of your target audience with your brand, product, services, and overall presence. Through this, companies can improve their positioning vis-a-vis customers' perspectives. 

Methodology: Brand awareness surveys use aided and unaided recall questions. An unaided survey question measures the capability of the respondents to identify the brand without using any prompts. 

On the other hand, aided queries assess a customer’s understanding of the when provided with a list of options. 


  • Brand awareness surveys help understand how recognizable your brand is compared to the competitors. 
  • They help identify the customer bases with high and low awareness
  • Lastly, they help measure the before and after results of marketing campaigns. 

With Qwary, you can build and automate survey triggering after a particular event. As you build customized surveys with Qwary, use this list of questions to collect customer feedback. 

  1. What are some brands that come to your mind when you think of healthcare? 
  2. Have you heard of the (your brand or product name) before today?
  3. What do you think about (your brand or product name)?

A high unaided recall means strong brand recognition is present, and you have the potential to grasp a higher market share. However, a low unaided recall response means you need to work on improving your brand’s visibility. 

  1. Beta Feedback

Beta feedback is required when you want to gather honest feedback while testing or beta launch of product or service. As a product testing survey, this helps build the best product through customer reviews. 

Methodology: This survey is executed when companies need to find out about their customer’s needs, understanding of features, and their perception of UI/UX. You can run this beta feedback, when the users register for the beta version or when they are using a product, but you need their feedback on adding new features. 


  • Find bugs and improve user experience before wide release.
  • Use it to improve all aspects of your product, validate assumptions, and identify areas of improvement. 

Here are a few example product testing survey questions to understand brand awareness;

  • Rate your overall experience with the beta product on a scale of 1 to 5. 
  • What are your three most frustrating things or challenges while using the product?
  • Is there anything you would like to change about our product?

Measuring the results is pretty straightforward. Developers can get information on bugs and fix issues before launch, improving the overall product experience. Product managers can gain actionable insights and feedback to achieve user-centricity.

  1. Product Satisfaction

Businesses use this survey to gauge the customer’s satisfaction levels with the product and are often categorized into Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) and Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys. 

Methodology: The NPS and customer satisfaction survey utilize a combination of rating scales and, MCQ questions, and open-ended queries to assess the satisfaction levels. 


  • To know the positive and negative attitudes of the customers. 
  • Identify customer loyalty levels.
  • Check the customer’s willingness to associate with the brand. 
  • Identify areas of improvement based on customer feedback. 

A product satisfaction survey is essential to understand customer sentiments and make informed decisions to improve the product experience. You can use the following questions;

  • How satisfied are you with the (product name) on a scale of 1-5?
  • What feature do you use most frequently in the application?

High satisfaction scores mean you have built a good product worthy of retention and positive word-of-mouth. However, lower scores help determine areas of improvement and guide product or development efforts. 

  1. Product Launch

A product launch survey is another way to identify potential customers’ needs and their satisfaction levels with the existing products. We used this survey frequently before launching Qwary, and it has helped us gather feedback from potential customers while building a product that can satisfy their expectations. 

Methodology: You can use a mix of qualitative and quantitative questions and measure them on rating scales and open-ended frameworks. You can send these surveys through in-app pop-ups or email invitations. 


  • Gather valuable feedback from potential customers
  • Align the product development roadmap with the user’s needs. 
  • Use it for product research and ask your customers how to optimize their experience. 

Effective customer understanding is essential for product launch, and with CEOs and founders citing customer understanding and customer experience management as a capability gap, surveys can help address this gap.

When building this survey ask your customers the following questions;

  • Which features of the new product are you most excited about?
  • Are you facing any issues with the existing product?
  • What additional features do you think will make this product better?

As the respondents share the types of features they want to see, it gives you a direct heading. Moreover, you can also know about product issues and find quick fixes. Positive customer responses also give you food for thought to build marketing campaigns. 

  1. Onboarding Survey

Using this tool, you can identify areas of improvement and frustrations about customer onboarding. The onboarding process is a strategic approach to introduce customers to the product and brand. 

Methodology: Here again, we use a mix of questions to gather definite numeric responses and some subjective responses about the customer experience. 


  • Optimize the customer onboarding process and gather feedback. 
  • Make data-driven decisions to deliver the best customer experience. 
  • Tailor the onboarding process to satisfy customer needs. 

96% of the companies consider an onboarding survey essential for business growth. Hence, don’t you think sending a survey to evaluate your onboarding process is essential?

Sample questions;

  • Can you rate your overall experience with the onboarding process?
  • Which segment of the survey was most and least helpful?

Through the quantitative results, you can identify the overall customer satisfaction levels, and through subjective responses, it's easier to find areas of frustration and make improvements. Positive results mean higher engagement levels, and you have successfully created an excellent first impression. 

  1. Competitor Analysis

Competitive analysis is an integral part of the product creation process. It is used to gather information from potential customers about the competition and your own business. 

Methodology: These surveys are provided through online ads and emails with qualitative and quantitative questions. You can use rating scales and open-ended responses to find actionable insights and build a great product.  


  • Perform a SWOT analysis for the business.
  • Regular competitor analysis surveys help get updates on the competition. 
  • Marketers and product developers can use insights from the results to refine their strategies. 

This survey is important to build competitive intelligence and gain competitive advantage. While building Qwary, we tried numerous ways to gain an edge over our competitors, and competitive intelligence was one of the ways we found success. 

Here are a few questions to include:

  • Can you share why you would choose (competitor brand) over (your brand)?
  • If given the opportunity to use the same product from (your brand) at the same price, would you use it? What would influence your decision?

Analyze the answers to determine the unique value proposition of your competitors. You can also find areas where your product or brand is weak and needs improvement. Moreover, building a product-based roadmap for development, marketing, and pricing is easier. 

  1. Product Market Fit Survey

Designed to determine how well the product can fit into a market, this type of survey is used to know the customer’s preferred choice of product among its alternatives. 

Methodology: This survey primarily uses the Sean Ellis test, which includes a single survey question, which, in most cases, is “how would you feel if you could no longer use (product name)?


  • It helps make data-driven decisions and align customer expectations with product features. 
  • It helps build the right product and improve its marketing and sales strategies.

The results are analyzed in three forms: very disappointing, somewhat disappointed, and not disappointed. The very disappointed response indicates a successful product market fit. Other responses mean you must focus on making improvements until the customers give the “very disappointed” response. 

  1. Feature Opt-In

When in doubt about adding features to the product, use the feature opt-in survey to ask your customers. Making the decision for the users whether they will like the feature or not may misfire. 

Methodology: The survey can be sent through pop-ups and emails inviting the end-users to share their feedback on the addition of features. 


  • To assess customer’s willingness to associate with the brand in the future.
  • Identify specific user segments who are most interested in the feature. 
  • To gather early feedback on potential pain points and validate ideas. 

You can gauge the user’s interest through the following product survey questions to collect the required information;

  • How likely are you to use our new (feature name)? Kindly rate your willingness on a scale of 1 to 5.
  • Give reasons for using the feature and what motivates you to use the same.
  • Can you give reasons for not using the new (feature name)?

When customers show high interest in a specific feature, it validates your ideas and encourages improvement for the next stage of the product creation. As you plan the next phase of product creation, you can check from 50+ survey templates ready to bring you the required insights. 

  1. Churn Feedback

Customer churn is not ideal for businesses, but even a leaving customer can help you improve your product experience. You can run product surveys at the time of churn to get insights and avoid losing more customers for similar reasons. 

Methodology: With Qwary, you can trigger a customer churn survey the moment a customer takes the action to leave, cancel the subscription, or opt-out. This survey largely has open-ended questions asking the reasons in detail or in MCQ form about the reason for leaving. 


  • Know the reason for leaving and address issues proactively. 
  • Improve product and user experience for potential customers. 
  • To know how customers perceive your product and how you can improve their perception. 

To assess the reasons for churn, the top product survey questions to ask include;

  • What’s the primary reason for canceling your subscription or leaving us?
  • What can we do so that you can stay with us?

Using the positive and negative responses, you can make your product better and guide the future course of action. The key to getting valuable answers here is to ask the right questions. Frame your questions in a way that encourages the customers to share facts. 

  1. Persona Identification

Persona identification surveys can help you strengthen your understanding of the customers. Conducting surveys is important to build detailed buyer persona reports and use that understanding to generate product ideas, build products, and marketing campaigns. 

Methodology: Ask questions that provide one-word answers, Yes/No responses, and detailed answers. You can frame scenario-based and behavioral questions. 


  • Learn to identify user segments within the target audience and understand unique customer needs. 
  • Guide product and business development while adding the right features in your product. 
  • Personalize how you market your product and communication to ensure that users resonate with your product. 

You can ask different types of questions based on the required information;

  • Demographic questions will be about age range, occupation, annual household income, residence location, etc. 
  • Examples of behavioral and sentiments-related questions are;
  • Share your biggest pain points in (product category)?
  • What’s your goal in using the (product or product category)

The answers you get from here enable targeted and effective marketing while designing solutions that will meet the customer’s needs. You can also tailor communication and offerings based on their persona.

  1. Fake Door Test

A fake door test tool is used to gauge the customer’s interest level and prove demand of an additional feature or product. 

Methodology: A fake door test survey generally has one question and can be asked as a pop-up while the customers are using the application. They can also be built as an advertisement or a website button. 


  • It's a great way to validate ideas or concepts. 
  • It helps identify specific user segments and interested audiences along with their needs. 
  • You can gather early feedback about a service or feature and set pricing models accordingly. 

To successfully gauge user interest and engagement, you can use the following questions;

  • Would you like to join our waitlist to check the new feature?
  • What price range would you think will be apt for the new upcoming feature?

High affirmative scores imply heightened customer interest in using the new feature, which validates the product idea. As a product research survey, you can also use the response to guide future iterations and marketing strategies.

Best Practices to Conduct for In-Product Surveys

Conducting a product survey is a simple task, but it can only be fruitful if done with due diligence. Every survey you wish to run must use the following process;

  1. Define Your Survey Goal

Clearly describe your goal and objective of running the survey. The goal to assess customer satisfaction with your product will be different from one to add new features in your product. Working with a set goal will help set the right questions. 

  1. Choose the Right Audience

Second, ensure to send the survey to the right people who can use your product. For this, you can use pre-survey or screening questions to identify the people who are interested. 

  1. Short, Precise, and Relevant

Keep the length short. Use less number of questions to get the most information from the responses. Customer feedback is the key to building a better product, but don’t overdo your part and lose valuable information. 

  1. Multiple Response Survey Question

To make it easier for your users, ask multiple-response questions where the answers are limited to one word or one-line. The motive is to make it easier for the customers to give answers.

  1. Close the Feedback Loop

After taking customer’s feedback, communicate that their valuable feedback will be considered. Wherever relevant, let them know that you have addressed their issues, added features, made improvements, etc. 

Qwary lets you create, run, and manage surveys, along with closing the feedback loop. A HBR study has proved, that surveys can effectively influence a customer’s loyalty and buying habits. Using our in-product services, you build the best possible products and solutions for your customers. 

Build your First Survey with Qwary

Businesses consider product surveys to be an important growth tool as they help record the public's unfiltered perceptions and thoughts. The right approach and set of questions will get you the insights you need to build a customer-centric product. 

Qwary eases the product survey creation and management process. Install Qwary within your application and create a product survey seamlessly to gather valuable insights from your users seamlessly.

Get in touch with our team to book a demo and see the creation process in action.


  1. Asking who would buy my product in a survey is an example of what?

Asking this question is a prime example of a market research exercise. As businesses plan product launch and achieve product differentiation, they need the answer to this question for knowing their target audience and customer preferences. 

  1. How can a product survey help you write a persuasive advertisement?

Marketers must understand their audiences to write a persuasive advertisement. With a product survey, marketers can identify the products target audiences enjoy, they can extract details about the product, and know their preferences. Ultimately, a survey is essential to understand the audience and write a bespoke advertisement to get maximum attention. 

  1. What questions to ask in a product survey

You can ask multiple types of questions in a product survey pertaining to product satisfaction, customer loyalty, research, customer preferences, etc. Some of the questions are;

  • How often do you use our product?
  • Which product features do you find most valuable?
  • What are you trying to solve by using the product?
  1. How to survey the market for new products?

To run a survey begin by defining the problem and establish the research objectives followed by identifying your target audience. create surveys with a tool like Qwary, where you can also automate survey deployment. Set your timelines, collect responses and use the required tools to analyze data. 

  1. How to survey lost opportunities why they didn't go with the product?

Surveying lost customers or opportunities means knowing the reasons for abandoning the product and brand. To know this, send surveys at the right time and follow up with people. Keep the surveys short and concise while offering incentives to re-engage the customers.