User Research

Figma Prototype Testing | Unlock Valuable Insights and Get Real User Feedback

Manoj Rana
April 16, 2024
min read
Figma Prototype Testing | Unlock Valuable Insights and Get Real User Feedback
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Explore the Power of Qwary with Figma Prototype Testing with Real User Test

Prototype testing evaluates the product design and functionality among the target audience product teams for varied reasons;

  • Identify potential issues
  • Validate product design
  • Improve product usability
  • Early problem detection
  • Build smooth navigation
  • Resolve challenges
  • User experience research

Figma is a design tool designers use to create and test prototypes that lead to building meaningful and customer-centric products. Figma integrated with Qwary means a one-stop solution to test prototypes, optimize the designs, and gain actionable insights from the target audience. 

Let’s learn more about Figma prototype testing with Qwary and how we can help you build adaptable and user-centric solutions. 

Why Figma for Prototype Testing?

Figma is an excellent design tool to build interactive prototypes, leading to meaningful product development. Working together with Qwary, you can use Figma to test product prototypes, in real-time to collect feedback and gather actionable insights leading to intelligent product decisions. 

  1. Easy to Prototype: At Qwary, we have been using Qwary for a long time and continue to do so for creating interactive prototypes. Figma allows you to link screens, define user flows, and add animations to the designs for a better understanding. 
  1. Faster Iteration: You can make quick and easy changes in Figma, making edits on the fly. Observe the changes instantly while understanding how they affect customer experience. The rapid iteration cycle makes for an efficient prototyping exercise. 
  1. Better Collaboration: Creating a Figma prototype is an enjoyable and learning experience, where the design can work together on the same page and build designs with collective intelligence. Moreover, it’s easier to share these prototypes with stakeholders and test them effectively with Qwary. 
  1. Build High-Fidelity Prototypes: When you want to test Figma prototypes, make sure to build high-fidelity ones from the tool that will closely resemble the final product. Figma lets you create realistic prototypes and use them for usability testing to get accurate feedback. 

Figma Prototype Test with Qwary

Qwary integrates with a wide range of design tools, including Figma, to streamline the testing process, delivering three core benefits;

  1. Easy Test Management: Ease your prototype testing with Qwary as it allows you to run test sessions, allowing you to bespoke tests, recruit participants, and share testing goals. With Qwary, you can create a smooth testing plan and execute an easy process to help you discover the information you need. 
  1. Collect Test Feedback: Through Qwary, you can access all your Figma designs and use several tools to collect user feedback while testing. You can build surveys, run polls, and record the usage sessions to identify the precise patterns of usage and frustrations. 
  1. Data Analysis: Qwary has in-built data analysis tools, allowing you to generate reports summarizing user behavior, identify pain points, and track usage trends among different test groups and Figma designs. As soon as you start testing, Qwary stores all your data and deciphers trends as you collect feedback on your Figma. 

How to Test Your Figma Prototype with Qwary:

  • Begin by designing your prototype in Figma, according to your requirements. Even while designing, the motive to improve user experience should always motivate the design process. 
  • Once the design is ready, upload the Figma design on a cloud storage solution, preferably Google Drive. Or you can import a Figma file, with the prerequisite that the file is saved in the right format. 
  • From Qwary, create a new prototype testing project through Concept and Usability Testing, a dedicated tool we have added to authenticate design decisions.
  • Once the project is ready, embed the Figma prototype link in the given column, followed by clicking on Build and Share. From here, choose the In-Product survey to test your prototypes. 
  • Select the appropriate launch time and configure the survey settings like choosing the title, content body, and the button, along with the survey orientation. 
  • Then select triggers, which are the moments at which you wish the survey to be launched followed by selecting the survey audience, and hit on Publish.  

Using an in-app survey, you can find problem hotspots, gain actionable intelligences, and build better designs as you share prototypes with users. 

Qwary offers a centralized hub for managing the prototype testing process and gaining effective feedback to gain a rich understanding of the end-user’s experience. Make changes in the design according to data analytics while eliminating designer’s bias. 

Truth be told, every designer creates a design to their best capabilities, and they may not be able to see anything wrong with the design they are created until and unless it’s tested by real users. 

For the prototype you want to test, find real users who can give honest, unbiased, and authentic feedback. For more information on how to build better designs with Figma, use our help center and get answers to your solutions right away!

What to Look for in the Figma Prototype Testing Analysis?

Conducting a prototype test with Figma requires the team to look for insights across different categories, with the purpose of understanding how end-users interact and engage with your design. 


  • Share the prototype link with the test users to assess they were able to complete the task given. If they got stuck, find out the barriers to identify usability issues in the prototype’s flow and functionality. 
  • Check the time users take to complete the tasks assigned. Long durations to complete the tasks is a potential indication of confusing navigation and unclear information on the architecture. 

User Flow

  • Did the users take the intended path to interact with the prototype? Note their interaction pattern, paying attention to the unexpected clicks backtracking, and ease of navigation. 
  • Did the users have clarity on what actions they were taking on each screen? Through session recordings, pinpoint areas of hesitation or where the users seemed unsure about how to proceed further. 

Design and Interface Analysis

  • Here, you must identify whether the users testing interaction with the Figma designs are interacting as desired with the call to action and other engagement elements. 
  • The content added to the prototype should be easy to read and understand. Using this as the standard, also check whether the information users are supposed to get is easy to read. 

User Feedback Analysis

  • Ask the users to leave comments about their interaction with the prototype at the end. Measure their frustrations and satisfaction during the testing session. Identify recurring problems or themes to know the areas that need to be refined. 
  • Using user feedback, know the areas that users like and validate your ideas and design choices, highlighting the successful elements. 


Ineffective designs create a disconnect between the users and digital solutions. Where companies like Apple have a graveyard of failed products that have lost battle due to usability issues, it's even more important for a company smaller than the IT giant to invest in prototype testing. 

It's essential to refine the design process using tools like Figma and analyze the test results to gain valuable user insights. Leverage these insights to understand how users perceive and interact with your digital solution.

Qwary offers seamless integration with the design software Figma. Build your designs on Figma and keep on improving it through Qwary’s prototype testing and feedback survey analysis. 

Book a Free 30-Minute Demo today