Product Experience

Announcing Qwary's new Product Experience!

Manoj Rana
September 3, 2023
min read
Announcing Qwary's new Product Experience!
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If you're a fan of Qwary, you're probably already familiar with its many features. But now, with the new product experience launch, there's even more to be excited about!

Discover the New In-Product Surveys

Our new in-product surveys are designed with the goal of empowering your customers to share their feedback effortlessly. Instead of having to navigate away from their task, customers can now provide real-time insights on satisfaction, feature usability, and pain points directly within the product interface, leading to better customer experience. It's a seamless integration that doesn't interrupt the user's experience but rather enhances it by giving them the avenue to voice their opinions and preferences.

These surveys are more than just a feedback tool, they represent a collaborative effort to build products that your customers will love and improve product experience. By inviting customer input at the point of interaction, companies and product managers can gain an unprecedented understanding of their user experience.

This immediate feedback allows the product team to proactively address any issues and iterate on their product based on the user's needs and wants. With in-product surveys, we are taking the guesswork out of customer experience and satisfaction and making it a tangible, actionable metric. For example, product managers can use in-product surveys to solicit feedback after a customer has completed an action. This gives you the opportunity to capture usage metrics as well as gain insights into user experience such as satisfaction with onboarding, ease of completing tasks, feature usability and more, thus improving product experience.

At Qwary, our comprehensive feedback collection tools and metrics that give companies greater insight into their customers’ needs and preferences can help them enhance their products and maintain higher levels of customer satisfaction—allowing them to get the most out of their user base.

On top of that, our platform provides real-time feedback management to ensure customer issues are swiftly addressed and resolved.We believe customer satisfaction should be a top priority for every organization and that’s why we have created an integrated product experience that promotes collaboration between departments and enables product managers to act on customer feedback in real-time.

Taking Things to a New Level With Prototype Testing

Understanding the expectations and demands of your customers is very essential, but imagine if you could incorporate their feedback even before the product hits the market. That's where our prototype testing comes into play.

Prototype testing is a powerful feature that allows your customers to test product prototypes and give you invaluable feedback early in the development cycle. This functionality enables your team to identify potential issues, foresee user reactions, and incorporate crucial changes before the full-scale product launch.

Delivering features that align with their needs and aspirations is the key to ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. By letting your customers be a part of the product development process, you're not just building a product; you're creating a solution that beautifully fits into their world. As an example, many types of banks can use prototype testing to receive feedback on their app's usability and payment flow.

Tech companies and product managers can also take advantage of this feature by testing new features they're developing and collecting valuable insights from their customers. Let prototype testing take you a step closer to your customers and a leap ahead in the market.

Gain More Insight With Session Recording

One of the most exciting features of our new offering is the session recording tool. This feature provides deep visibility into your customers' interactions and behaviors within your product, illuminating their journey like never before. Imagine being able to see exactly where your users are engaging, struggling, or breezing through your product – it's more like having a front-row seat to your customers’ experiences.

Session recording is designed to identify and address usability issues, bottlenecks, and pain points. It provides you with a clear picture of how customers use your product, where they encounter difficulties, and what aspects of your product they appreciate the most.

This enlightening feature allows you to see where your product shines and where it could use some refinement. It's an invaluable tool that you can use to deliver a seamless and exceptional customer experience to your customers. The insights gained from session recordings can guide your team in fine-tuning your product to meet the exact needs of your customers, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

In a nutshell, session recording is not just about understanding the customer journey, but about enhancing it, making it as smooth and enjoyable as possible. By anticipating your customers' needs and addressing their pain points proactively, you can deliver a product experience that truly stands out.

The Future Is Here

The improvements in our platform come from our strong commitment to customer satisfaction and user experience.

We also provide real-time customer feedback management, alerting product managers and their teams of any problems that need resolution. This proactive approach ensures issues are swiftly resolved and customers are getting the best experience possible. Moreover, our integrations with Zendesk and Salesforce make it easy for teams to collaborate in order to provide quick solutions.

But that’s not all! The new Qwary product experience goes beyond simple feedback management. It allows every department within your organization to utilize these insights, breaking down silos and promoting a more unified approach to customer satisfaction. Marketing teams can use the data to better understand customer needs and tailor their strategies accordingly, while the product team can identify trends and behaviors that shape the product development process.We are proud to introduce our latest product experience that will revolutionize the way saas companies interact with and respond to their customers.

With real-time customer feedback management, in-product surveys, prototype testing, and session recording, we are empowering organizations to listen to their customers’ needs and act on them swiftly.

Let Qwary help you build better products for a more satisfied customer base. The future is here—let's make it count! Ready to get started? Sign up for Qwary today and see how our product experience can help you take your user satisfaction to the next level.