Product Experience

A Comprehensive Guide to Product Adoption You Need After Product Launch

Manoj Rana
July 26, 2024
min read
A Comprehensive Guide to Product Adoption You Need After Product Launch
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Why build better solutions when you cannot know how many people are using it and how frequently? Knowing product adoption is essential to achieve better financial success, reduce churn, improve product, increase customer satisfaction, and enhance brand advocacy. 

But it doesn’t stop here. Product adoption rate is connected to several other parameters indicative of the product’s and company’s success. But knowing the adoption rate is easier said than done. There’s no single metric to measure adoption and no single person you can hold responsible for the task. 

You must dive deep into the user journey, track product usage statistics, and read the customer’s pulse and at the same time consult with multiple stakeholders and teams to get the results.

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Clearing the Basics Around Product Adoption

Product adoption also called user adoption is about helping target customers recognize the value of your product. Confused? Don’t be. Everyone thinks that product adoption is how many people are using your product, but it’s not. 

User adoption is not conversion. Instead it’s about knowing whether your customers can or have realized the full potential of the product. Moreover, it will take some time for the users to realize this potential or what we call the ‘aha’ moment. 

It’s the feeling customers get when they realize that your product or service can be used in so many ways. As I said earlier, you cannot measure product adoption right after launching the product or even after one month. 

The adoption comes in stages, represented in the table below;

Stages of Product AdoptionDescription How to Assess/Achieve?
AwarenessThe target audience becomes aware about the product’s existence through marketing or word-of-mouth. Consumer Behavior Analysis
Competitive Landscape Evaluation
InterestPotential users show interest in the product by learning more about its features, etc. primarily to understand how it fulfills their needs. Active and Daily Website Visitors
EvaluationThe users compare your product with others or with the ones they are currently using to identify pros and cons. Feature Comparison
User Reviews/Ratings
TrialIt’s a step users take to try the product. They can either take a free trial or a demo to check if the product works and if yes, how it works. Purchase Intent
Price Analysis
ActivationAfter knowing the core value of the product, the users start using it regularly. Customer Onboarding Process
AdoptionOnce the product is fully integrated into the user’s work and they depend on it to achieve their goals, that’s when adoption is confirmed. User Experience
Perceived Usefulness

Observe closely that every stage is related to the next one. Accomplishing the goals you have set for each stage is essential to advance to the next one. 

While we are at it, let me clear the air around two more related concepts, Feature Adoption and Product Acquisition and discuss how they are different from product adoption. 

Product Adoption and Feature Adoption

Often used interchangeably, product and feature adoption rate are different. The latter aims to maximize the utilization of specific features within a product. It’s resorted after launching a new feature within the product and when a specific feature is underused. 

On the other hand product adoption is a wider concept focusing on the utilization of all the features. However, product adoption may not always ensure feature adoption. 

Product Acquisition and Adoption

Product acquisition focuses on bringing potential customers to the website or application page and letting them learn the value your product offers. Product adoption, on the other hand, is about converting the visitors who are in the awareness stage to paying customers. 

Why Product Adoption Matters?

Product management thought leaders are often found saying, “Businesses that don’t understand how their users are using the product, are flying blind.” 

This user adoption rate is required by sales, marketing, customer support, customer success, and product teams. All these professionals must know how many people use the product to achieve long-term success. 

  • Customer Success: For every business, the focus should be on retaining customers more than acquiring new ones. A small improvement in the retention rate can take you one step closer to success. 

So strong adoption means users understand your product and it helps them achieve their goals. The more your customers use the product, the better they are at promoting it, sharing positive reviews, and being loyal to the brand. A higher product adoption rate is indicative of a strong customer community. 

  • Reduces Churn: Naturally, when adoption rates are higher, it will reduce customer churn. The churn rate is less because customers find value in your product and are less likely to abandon it or cancel subscriptions. 

Several experts suggest organizations at all levels to focus on churn more than revenue as when churn is lower, the revenue will automatically increase. 

  • Better Customer Retention: Customer retention is akin to a golden egg for businesses. Retention like adoption, comes at the end of the stages of product adoption and successful retention depends on several factors. 

Where a customer finding value in your product is essential, retention also depends on customer onboarding, support, and your ability to foster long-term relationships with the customers. 

  • Revenue Streams: Better adoption, regardless it's about a subscription service, a physical or a digital product, brings reliable income. Given the value your customers receive from the product or service, their willingness to pay is determined. 
3 Strategies that Increase Customer Value

This financial predictability driven with measuring the product adoption rates allows for better planning and investment in product development or improvement. 

  • Cross-Selling and Upselling: The adoption rates are used to determine how receptive your customers can be to the product and its offerings. Engaged users with a higher rate of adoption will be more receptive to additional offerings. 

This is because customers who use your product understand the core value you are offering. So, selling them premium products, features, product updates, and complementary products is easier than those who are still in the decision-making stage. 

  • Product-Market Fit: It’s the ultimate product validation test you need to know how well your product aligns with the market and customer needs. Higher adoption rates means a higher product value and is a strong indicator of product-market fit. At the same time, a lower adoption rate means the product needs fine-tuning to align with the market needs. 

Companies offering digital products like SaaS solutions will need to work harder to maintain adoption rates. It’s easier to switch a SaaS service than it is to switch a washing machine, don’t you think?

So, your approach to understand the adoption rate should include the customer’s motivations, needs, and pain points for using your product. 

Teams Likely to Collaborate for Product Adoption

From product launch to product adoption, it’s a collective effort. Multiple teams and professionals must come together to contribute with their findings and to leverage the information to improve customer experience in the way they do best. 

  1. Marketing: They attract leads with marketing campaigns and sharing resources to help the potential customers understand their pain points. The marketing team set a goal to make potential customers check out the product and its offering while sharing how it can solve their pain points. 
  1. Sales: Sales representatives work with the warm and pre-qualified leads to demonstrate product value. Giving out demos, sharing documentation, creating videos, etc. is a part of the exercise that will help customers identify the value of the product. 
  1. Product: Product teams working together with content teams must prepare end-user documentation to use the product. They also create in-app training material to help the end users identify the product or service applications. 
  1. Customer Support: When customers need support for using the product or troubleshooting, this team comes forward with their expertise. The customer support team resolves problems while reassuring the customers that they won’t have to face a similar experience in the future. 
  1. Customer Success: This team works to help existing customers to extract more from the product. 

Product adoption has different dimensions and all the teams are somehow involved in driving better rates. Although these teams work together, the product analytics and metrics for different product adoption stages are different. 

While I won’t go into the details of every metric they use, rest assured that cross-functional teams working together is an essential aspect of product adoption. 

Product Adoption is also Essential for the Product Management Team, Here’s How.

Adoption is the most important metric for product managers, even more important than retention. It’s that one metric which can end meetings and debates, but product management teams use it to weigh several other parameters. 

The adoption rate impacts customer lifetime value, churn rate, customer satisfaction, net promoter score, usage frequency, among others. Product management is always concerned about how much money a product or service is generating. 

Good for them, knowing the adoption rate will help identify the customer loyalty levels along with potential revenue it can generate. 

Decoding the Product Adoption Curve or Five Product Adoption Stages

Product Adoption Curve

A user’s perspective towards a product differs and each of these attitudes matter. A good team harnesses these perspectives to identify their product’s capabilities and potential to succeed. 

Geoffrey A. Moore discusses the concept of five stages of product adoption in his book Crossing the Chasm. It’s a must read if you are a marketer, brand owner, product manager, or have any role in building and promoting a product. 

  1. Innovators

These are tech-savvy users who are fond of trying new products and services. Being comfortable with taking risks and facing potential failures, they are important tech enthusiasts. It’s easier to approach them given their risk-loving attitude and as they are less about mainstream acceptance, they can help build your product’s public image. 

  1. Early Adopters

Early adopters are opinion leaders, but they are also tech-savvy and risk-lovers, but they are a bit more cautious than innovators. More importantly, they look towards innovators who have already tested the waters before trying out a new product. 

The early adoption of your product is instrumental for marketing and to align your product with what the market needs. Early adopters influence product adoption as they help other customers gain first-hand information about the product. 

After this, there’s a small window when rarely any new user or customer comes. This is the time you must take to improve your product according to the experiences shared by innovators and early adopters. 

  1. Early Majority

These are risk-averse and less tech-savvy customers who will only adopt a product or service after they have hard evidence about its capabilities. These users are looking for solutions that will solve their problems, but don’t have the time or resources to check all the available ones. 

So, using reviews from the last two types of users, they take out trial offers of the product and decide for themselves. That’s why it's important to establish social proof ensuring your product works and can help the target audience. 

  1. Late Majority

The late majority, although skeptical of the new products, wait for widespread adoption before even considering using them. In terms of percentage share, Early Majority and Late Majority are similar. 

This implies even after you see a lot of new customers, rest assured that these many need time and more social proof. Once they’ve adopted your product, you can start calling it a success. More importantly, this customer segment waits to learn about your product from other sources and may be driven by necessity to adopt. 

  1. Laggards

These people are resistant to change. They prefer working with their existing products, even when significantly better products are available. Getting them onboard is going to be a monumental challenge. 

Customers at this stage in the product adoption curve will only use after a significant amount of time or if your product becomes a norm. 

Understanding customer preferences, their needs, and the differences in what drives their opinion is critical to boost adoption rates at each stage. 

How to Measure Product Adoption?

Adoption is directly proportional to user base. Larger the adoption rate, the larger the user base. Even the best of products can fail if the users can’t find value in it. 

Amazon Fire Phone, built by the eCommerce giant was launched after extensive research to build a better phone. It had features like Firefly, which could identify objects just by pointing the camera. But it failed as these features weren’t well-received. 

Could it have been that Amazon didn’t get enough information on their target audience before launching?

For a product to work and get mass adoption, it needs to be carefully groomed. This grooming depends on the information you collect from the target audience. Here you are with the 13 most important metrics to measure production adoption.

MetricDescription UtilizationRelevant For
Number of Active Users (NAU)Indicates the number of customers who interact with the product, regularly. Breakdown the NAU into free vs paid and new vs returning users and find the daily, weekly, monthly active users. Product Marketing
Customer Success
Product Activation Rate Activation rate is used to measure the proportion of users who perform a key desired action to finally reach their ‘aha’ moment from the total number of users in a specified time period. Set a target for the activation rate along with setting a timeframe within which the users are expected to complete the action.
Once the desired action measurement is set, deploy a tracking system to check how many users have achieved the goals.
Product Marketing
Customer Success
Time to Value (TTV)TTV is related to the activation rate and identifies the time taken by a user to perform a designated action. Set the ideal time with a target audience and measure it with real users.
If it takes less time, the product is effective, if not, you need to fine-tune it according to the areas of difficulty.
Product Marketing
Product Sales
Customer Success
User PathsUser paths represent a user’s journey depicting how they view or utilize the product. It’s often used to understand how far a customer is from moving to the next stage in the journey. Within the user journey, check for drop-off points, that is where users abandon their post.
Use this information to identify trouble areas and improve them to streamline the journey.
Product Team
Customer Success
Session RecordingsWith Qwary, you can check session recordings to specifically measure feature adoption and user’s understanding of your product. Check the recordings to identify the friction points and uncover real user behavior while identifying product adoption issues. Product Teams
In-App EventsTaking product adoption to a granular level, in-app events help gauge customer’s interest and the issues they face in the pre-established paths. Through these, you can also measure feature adoption. Try to locate specific user behavior related to your product and identify the motivations behind doing it.
Plus, you can analyze user’s engagement levels and identify most and least used features.
Product Team
Product Stickiness RateIt’s an evaluation metric you can use to identify whether your product creates any value. It’s a measure to check how many users return to the product and is also related to daily and monthly active users. Going into the details, measure the stickiness rate for different customer segments. Work on the ones with a low rate by using other metrics to identify the reason to improve product adoption. Marketing Teams
Product Teams
Customer Success
Conversion RateAn important metric used to gauge product adoption success. High conversion rate means a significant number of customers love using your product and can be converted to higher paying customers. Product and customer success teams shall work together to breakdown marketing channels along with their conversion metrics. Use this data for A/B testing to check which strategies work on what product elements. Product Marketing
Customer Success
Net Promoter ScoreThe NPS score measures customer loyalty, which is required if you want them to recommend or share your product to others. The NPS is measured on a scale of 1 to 10 and higher the score more likely are the customers to recommend. Responses in NPS analysis are categorized into Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6).
Your focus should be on incentivizing the passices and improving product experience for detractors.
Product Teams
Customer Success
Customer Support
Product Engagement ScoreA combined metric including adoption, stickiness, and growth, the PES shows the volume of user engagement, including time spent, feature usage, and in-app activity. Use the score to customize the product's core functionality. Check the user engagement for different segments and tailor communication according to the engagement level. Product Teams
Customer Success
Customer Support
User Retention RateIt’s the percentage of people using the product month over month. An important metric you can use to check usage of the product and its features. Used by SaaS companies, almost everyday, the user retention rate also affects the customer lifetime value. Segmentize your customers on the basis of user retention rate and check their churn points to identify issues with the product that led the customers to leave. Fix those points and approach them with a better product. Customer Success
Customer Support
Product Qualified Leads Customers who find enough value while using the product in a freemium or paid trial method may exhibit behavior to switch to a paid version. Once identified, these customers are put under the PQL section and the rate shows the number of customers ready to advance against who don’t want to move forward with the paid version. Set a PQL criteria, which are guidelines or usage patterns you can identify to indicate high purchase intent. Identify the customers in PQL and approach them with relevant marketing campaigns. Marketing
Customer Success
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)By calculating CLV you can know the total revenue a customer generate over the entire period of their relationship with the product or service. To improve CLV, find the factors influencing the same, like average order value, purchase frequency, etc. Using upselling, cross-selling, and increasing the retention rate you can increase CLV. Marketing
Customer Success

Best Practices and Methods to Drive Product Adoption

A customer’s continuous usage of a product depends on how effective you are at listening to them and making the required changes. Customers want to get value from your product in terms of money, time, and effort. More importantly, a customer won’t hesitate to switch between products, as their needs change.

4 Forces Influencing Customer Switch

I have seen several brands eat dust just because they held their product to high standards and failed to recognize the changing customer preferences. With those stories in mind, here are a few best practices we follow at Qwary to improve overall product adoption. 

  1. Understand your Users

Even before building a product, deep dive into your target audience’s needs, pain points, and challenges. Create a map of the ideal user journey to understand them better and create a user-centric product design. This research is also essential to establish product-market fit. 

  1. Educate your Target Audience

Create educational content related to your products according to the end-user’s profile and product adoption stage. Add to this, build relevant marketing material addressing the customer’s pain points while specifically showing how your product can address them. 

For instance, create appealing material for innovators harnessing their desire to try new products, first. 

  1. Smooth Customer Onboarding 

Using a product adoption software, design a smooth customer onboarding flow. Build targeted resources and customer support, at all points where customers may find some issues. Here the customer journey map you had created earlier will be useful. You must take a proactive approach by creating product walkthroughs, onboarding checklists, and in-app chat support. 

Customer Onboarding Process Map
  1. Aim for Impressive Product Experience

Optimize Product Experience (PX) to ease customer journey within the product. This part is especially important for SaaS organizations as PX is the area where the majority of the users will interact with the brand and product. 

So, focus on sharing resources to help your customers improve understanding of your product. To better analyze product experience, use heatmaps (available with Qwary) to pinpoint the areas of frustration. Spot the barriers customers face to sign up, set up a trial, or complete a desired action. 

  1. Customize Subscription or Product Purchase Plans

Reiterating my point, customers look for the highest value of their money and time spent on your product. In order to maximize this value, customize subscription plans for different customer segments. 

Like you might have seen the different pricing structure for startups, enterprises, solopreneurs, etc. Follow this approach in the applicable products while offering an incentive to increase adoption. 

  1. Continuous Improvement

Frequent appropriate application updates are essential to make your product useful, adaptable, and reliable. Improvements according to customer preferences and industry trends, create an appealing product catering to every type of customer. 

How Can You Use Qwary to Increase Product Adoption?

Understanding user behavior and optimizing your product for maximum adoption is critical to build a successful business. I know this from firsthand experiences and knowledge sharing with industry experts. Where traditional methods to know and research your users can consume a lot of time, Qwary can speed it up for you, here’s how;

First off, Qwary lets you go beyond the generic insights and take a granular approach. Use multiple filters for each of the tools to find granular insights and improve production adoption. 

  • Heatmaps and Session Recordings: Go beyond simple screen recording to identify key areas of concern as you track the user’s path and check out heatmap. Pinpoint the exact points of friction and identify areas of improvement. 

Create session recordings with multiple triggers like new signups, cart abandonment, product page visited, etc. while customizing settings to start recording. 

Targetted Session Recording

Used alongside session recordings or as an independent tool, heatmaps allow you to gather user sentiment at precise moments. Capture moments of friction in real-time and address the user’s needs, immediately. 

Qwary clients have recorded a 24% increase in product adoption by uncovering previously ignored issues. 

  • In-Product Surveys: Obtain real-time feedback from customers allowing you to capture user sentiment while the experience is still fresh in their minds. From this, you can create a feedback loop while addressing the user’s needs at every point.

Analyze the results according to different precise parameters. You can filter the results based on the timeline ranging from one week to all time. Check out ratings and responses for each question and analyze customer sentiment for them as well. 

  • Conversion Funnel Analysis: Using a suite of in-built tools, Qwary’s customers have improved user journey experiences leading to 35% increase in conversion. Use these insights to address conversion roadblocks that’ll pave the way for higher adoption rates. 
  • Close the Feedback Loop: Combine real-time user research with actionable insights leading as you link specific behavior with customer insights. Through this, you can prioritize product improvements that will make a significant impact while satisfying users.


Improving product adoption is something every brand wants. But to achieve it is easier said than done. Instead of focusing just on product adoption, ensure you are working to build a product worthy of becoming a part of the user’s daily lives. 

The motive is to stop them from looking for alternatives. This means integrating a new product into your customer’s lives and helping them reach the ‘aha’ moment. Once they realize the value your product brings, adoption comes naturally. 

At Qwary, we allow organizations to understand their customers with a wide array of tools. Using authentic insights and real-time data you can know exactly what’s wrong with the customer journey and customize further engagement accordingly. 

Want to check out how it works? Book a demo today


  1. What is the correct order of the five stages of the new product adoption process?

Customers adopt a new product in five key stages, Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial, and Adoption. To make the customers transition from one stage to the next one, use customized marketing and knowledge sharing, while focusing on depicting the true benefit of your product. 

  1. How to measure product adoption?

There isn’t a single metric to measure product adoption. Instead, we use a range of metrics like DAU, NAU, CLV, customer retention, NPS, etc. to determine and boost adoption rates. 

  1. How to increase product adoption?

Begin by knowing your users, create user personas, and identify that will lead customers to experience their ‘aha’ moment. From here you can personalize the onboarding experience and use marketing to drive feature discovery and adoption. Continue engaging with the users and make all the teams work together to take the customer from awareness to adoption. 

  1. How to drive product adoption?

Build a consistent process to measure and analyze product usage and customer sentiment towards your brand and product. Harness these insights to execute measures that improve customer’s understanding of your product, which will increase adoption. 

  1. What is a good product adoption rate?

The adoption rate differs for different industries. For instance, the median adoption rate for SaaS companies is 17% but the top performing companies have also reached 65%. Similarly, find the average adoption rate for your organization to build bespoke strategies to increase the rate.