Where Customer Insight Meets Product Innovation

Dive into the synergy of experience management and user research, crafting journeys that resonate on every level. Engage, understand, and innovate across customer touchpoints and product development phases with our comprehensive platform. Qwary empowers you to seamlessly blend feedback with foresight, turning insights into actions for secure, captivating experiences that drive growth.

Qwary Platform

Experience Management

Closed Feedback

Closed Feedback

Maximize efficiency and impact with Qwary's Closed Feedback, a dynamic case management tool tailored for swift, actionable responses to customer feedback. Qwary transforms suggestions and complaints into direct pathways for improvement, ensuring every piece of feedback is an opportunity to enhance customer satisfaction and drive innovation. Engage deeply, resolve promptly, and turn insights into action—propelling your business towards continuous growth and heightened customer loyalty.

Workflow Integration

Qwary enhances feedback efficiency with seamless automation in Salesforce, Zendesk, and Snowflake. Trigger feedback collection directly from your CRM, and automatically update response data for insightful reporting and action. This integration empowers organizations to leverage customer satisfaction data, driving strategic decisions and optimizing customer experiences with precision.

Workflow Integration
Business Channels

Business Channels

Qwary transcends traditional communication by offering a robust multi-channel platform—spanning email, SMS, web, and in-app interactions—to ensures  every customer interaction is heard, cataloged, and made accessible organization-wide, fostering a culture of attentive listening and informed engagement. With Qwary, you don’t just communicate; you connect deeply, turning every engagement into actionable insights and strengthening customer relationships with unparalleled responsiveness.


Qwary centralizes your data, offering a unified insight platform that seamlessly updates across applications. Embrace dynamic segmentation to craft highly accurate customer profiles based on real interactions. As needs evolve, your segments automatically adjust, keeping your strategies aligned with actual experiences. With Qwary, you’re equipped to deliver deeply personalized experiences that resonate.



By leveraging the platform's comprehensive experience management tools, businesses can significantly reduce customer churn. Identifying and addressing issues promptly helps maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty, which in turn, supports long-term business success.

User Research

Prototype Testing

Qwary facilitates prototype testing with tools like Figma and Adobe, enabling businesses to gather user feedback on designs before they go live. This early-stage testing helps identify usability issues and design preferences, ensuring that the final product meets user expectations.

Prototype Testing
User Connection

User Connection

The platform offers various ways to connect with users and gather their insights. In-product surveys offer a direct way to collect feedback within the application, while video interviews provide a more personal interaction to understand user sentiments deeply. Banners can also be used strategically within the product to guide user behavior and gather specific insights.

User Behaviour Study

Through session recording, conversion funnel analysis, and heatmap analysis, Qwary provides a comprehensive view of user behavior on websites and apps. These tools help businesses understand how users interact with their product, identify barriers to conversion, and optimize user flows for better engagement and conversion rates.

User Behaviour Study
Vertical Studies

Vertical Studies

Focusing on engagement, Qwary helps businesses understand how users engage with their product or service. This specialized study sheds light on the factors that influence user engagement, providing actionable insights that can be used to enhance user experiences.


By leveraging Qwary's user research capabilities, businesses can significantly increase product adoption. Understanding user needs and behaviors leads to better product design and user experience, encouraging more users to adopt and continue using the product.


Automate customer feedback capture and analysis with Qwary-Zendesk Integration.